About Membership card
Can I use themes that do not support Online Store 2.0 (OS 2.0)?
I can not read one-dimensional barcode/two-dimensional barcode,can I change the display size?
About Membership rank
How can I set up a discount for customers with a specific rank?
Is there a way to combine with other apps and send emails only to customers of a specific rank?
If I customize it by Liquid, can I separate elements other than the membership card according to the membership rank?
The cumulative purchase amount of Ranky is different from the amount that can be checked on the admin screen.
【Preparation before implementation】How can I assign rank to existing customer in batch?
Can I put a rank in a customer's tag?
Can I edit the rank name directly from the metafield in Shopify's Customers admin screen?
Can I input a rank in metafield other than app specified?
Does the cumulative purchase amount include consumption tax?
Order Cancellation and Refund Policy
Are order cancellations and refund amounts reflected in my membership rank?
About the app in general
I made a test purchase before the store opened, but my membership rank has not been changed.
Rank metafields are not removed after uninstalling.
About “Rankˮ evaluation
How should I decide the time when I set "everyday" for scheduled execution?
I want to know the specific start and end dates and times when setting the aggregation period from 1 to 12 months.
Please let me know about the customers who will be evaluated target.
All customers exist on the admin screen.
How are rank names displayed for customers who do not fit into any ranks?
Is there a time lag from the start of rank evaluation until it is reflected?
Please tell me the type of triggers that start the evaluation.
Is it possible to check the data of the customer's cumulative purchase amount/number of purchases within the period?
Can I check that the rank evaluation has been completed?