Terms of Use

These Terms of Service have been created in Japanese, and the English version is provided through machine translation. Only original Japanese version will be valid in official..If you have any questions or concerns, we kindly request that you contact us through the inquiry form.

These Terms of Use define the terms and conditions of use of the Service between the Company and the users of the Service. Users of the Service are requested to use the Service after reading and agreeing to the Terms of Service in their entirety.

This Service is provided within the "Shopify App Store" operated by Shopify Inc. and users are required to comply with the terms and conditions prescribed by Shopify Inc. before using this Service.

Article 1: Definition

The following terms used in these Terms shall have the following meanings.

1. "Company" means Rewire Inc.

2. "User" means an individual or entity that agrees to comply with these Terms of Use and has registered as a user of the Service after downloading the app for the Service specified by Company from the Shopify App Store.

3. "Service" means the service provided by Company and listed by Company on the Shopify App Store ( https://apps.shopify.com/ ) under the name "Ranky." (If the name or content of the Service is changed for any reason, this "Service" includes the Service after such change).

4. "Intellectual property rights" means copyrights, patent rights, utility model rights, design rights, trademark rights, and other intellectual property rights (obtaining such rights or applying for registration of such rights, etc.).

5. "Shopify Store" means a store built on Shopify.

Article 2: Terms of Use

1. Before using Service, the User shall conclude a separate Shopify Usage Agreement. Company is not a party to this agreement and any contractual relationship arising from this agreement is between User and Shopify Inc. If a dispute arises between you and Shopify Inc., you are responsible for resolving it at your own risk, and we will not be liable for any such dispute.

2. After agreeing to these Terms and downloading Service app created by Company from Shopify App Store, the User applies to use the Service by installing it on the Shopify Store, and if Company accepts your application, a contract for the use of the Service is concluded between the User and the Company based on these Terms (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract").

Article 3: Content of this service

1. In this service, our company provides the following services to users.

  • The service that calculates the user's order information in Shopify and sends the predefined information to Shopify.
  • The service that sends information given to users to external systems
  • Other services related to the above.

2. The Company may change or discontinue this Service, in whole or in part, at our discretion. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused to the User as a result of such changes or discontinuation, unless there is intentionality or gross negligence on by Company.

3. Some functions of the Service depend on the operation of other services provided by Shopify. If you suffer any loss or damage as a result of a malfunction of these services, you are solely responsible for resolving the issue and we will not be liable for any loss or damage.

4. The Company may receive information from Shopify Inc. such as the user's name, e-mail address, and telephone number, and the User agrees to this in advance. The Company will use this information for the purpose of managing the user and responding to inquiries from the user.

Article 4: Service fee

1. As consideration for the Service provided under this Contract, the User shall pay the usage fee according to the content of usage provided by Company and any consumption tax on such fee (except in cases where the transaction is not taxable) for Shopify Inc. or any third party designated by Shopify Inc.

2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, if the Company specifies otherwise, the User shall pay the usage fee according to the content of use and any consumption tax on such fee (except in cases where the transaction is not taxable) by the payment method determined by the Company, such as payment to the Company or a third party designated by the Company.

3. With respect to the methods of calculating the usage fees, refunds and other matters related to the usage fees, app for this Service downloaded from the Shopify App Store (hereinafter referred to as "Shopify App") shall comply with the rules established by Shopify Inc. In the absence of such rules, the rules separately established by the Company shall apply.

4. The User is obliged to pay the usage fee for the usage period even if the Service is not available during the usage period due to suspension, limitation of usage or other reasons mentioned in Articles 12 and 13. However, if the Service is completely unavailable (hereinafter referred to as "Unavailability") for more than 24 hours due to reasons attributable to the Company, the Usage Fee shall not apply according to the number of days of Unavailability.

5. If the User fails to pay the usage fee, the User shall pay to the Company a late payment penalty of 14% per year (calculated on a daily basis, 365 days per year).

Article 5: Term of Contract

The contract term for the Service App shall be as determined by Shopify Inc. The contract term for this service shall be from the date this contract is created to the date the term of the Shopify App Agreement ends. In the absence of such provisions, the term of this Service shall be determined separately by the Company.

Article 6: Cancellation

The User may cancel this Contract by deleting the Service Application from their Shopify store.

Article 7: Prohibition

In using the Service, Users shall not engage in any acts that falls under any of the following items, or that the Company deems to fall under any of the following items.

1. Acts that violate the law or are related to criminal acts

2. Fraud or coercion against the Company or a third party

3. Acts that violate public order and morals

4. Acts that violate on the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, honor, or other rights or interests of the Company or a third party.

5. Downloading app for this Service by impersonating another person or corporation.

6. Failure to pay usage fees

7. Acts that destroy or interfere with the functions of our server or network.

8. Acts that may interfere with the operation of our service.

9. Acts that illegally access or attempt to illegally access our network or systems, etc.

10. Acts that directly or indirectly provide benefits to antisocial forces in connection with our service.

11. Other acts that our company deems inappropriate.

If the Company determines that the User has violated the preceding paragraph or these Terms of Use, we may take any and all measures we deem appropriate, including termination of this Contract, without prior notice, and we will not be obligated to explain to the User why we have taken such measures.

Article 8: Changes to Terms of Use

The Company may change the contents of these Terms of Use as we deem it necessary. If we make any changes to these Terms, we will notify you in advance of the content of the changed Terms and when they will become effective by posting them on the website of this Service or by any other method we deem appropriate. However, if the Company make changes that require the consent of users under laws and regulations, the Company will obtain consent by a method that we deem appropriate. In addition, if the User uses the Service after the date specified in the notice, the User will be deemed to have agreed to the changed Terms, unless such effect is prohibited by law.

Article 9: Confidentiality

The User shall treat as confidential any non-public information disclosed by the Company to Users in connection with the Service that the Company requires to be treated as confidential, except with the prior written consent of the Company or by e-mail, etc.

Article 10: Personal Information

1. The User shall not disclose or leak personal information obtained through the use of this Service to a third party, whether intentionally or negligently.

2. The User shall appropriately handle personal information in accordance with the law and their own privacy policy (regardless of its name).

3. The Company will appropriately handle users' personal information in accordance with laws and regulations and our privacy policy https://rewired.jp/privacy-policy/ )

Article 11: Rights

1. All intellectual property rights related to the Service are owned by the Company or a third party that own such rights, and the granting of a license to use the Service under these Terms of Use does not imply the granting of a license to use the intellectual property rights of the Company or a third party that own such rights related to the Service.

2. The User represent and warrant to the Company that you have the legal right to upload or transmit data such as text, photographs, images, illustrations, icons, trademarks, logos, audio and video (hereinafter referred to as "Posted Data") in connection with your use of the Service, and that the Posted Data does not infringe upon the rights of any third party.

3. The User grant to the Company a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty- free, sublicensable and transferable license to use, reproduce, distribute, create derivative works, display and perform related to "Posted Data".

4. The User agrees not to exercise moral rights of authorship against the Company and those who have succeeded to or been granted rights by the Company.

Article 12: Suspension of Service

If any of the following items occur, the Company may take necessary measures such as suspending the provision of all or part of the Service without prior notice to the User.

1. When performing maintenance, inspection, or construction of equipment for this service, etc.

2. When this service cannot be provided due to a defect or failure of the equipment for this service, etc.

3. If this service cannot be provided due to measures based on laws, regulations, etc.

4. When it becomes difficult to provide the Service due to Shopify failures or changes in specifications, changes to Shopify's terms of use, or other circumstances.

5. If Shopify Inc. stops providing services related to the Service.

6. When the Service cannot be provided due to force majeure such as war, civil war, riot, disturbance, labor dispute, fire, power outage, infectious disease, request for self-restraint by administrative agencies, natural disaster, etc.

7. When the Company has notified the User in advance of the suspension of the Service

8. Other cases in where we deem it necessary to suspend the service.

Article 13: Limitation and cancellation

The Company may restrict the User's use of all or part of the Service or terminate this Contract without notice in the following cases.

1. If you violate any of the provisions of these Terms.

2. If use of this service cannot be checked for more than one year

3. If you fail to respond to our inquiries or other communications requesting a response for more than 30 days.

4. If you violate the terms of use of other services provided by Shopify.

5. If you terminate your contract with Shopify Inc.

6. If payments are suspended or become insolvent, or if a petition is filed to commence bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, corporate reorganization, special liquidation, or similar proceedings.

7. Other cases where the Company determines that the use of this Service is inappropriate.

The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to the User due to the Company's actions under this article unless there is intentionality or gross negligence by Company.

Article 14: Compensation

1. The User is responsible for compensating for any damages caused to the Company or other third parties while using this service.

2. The Company is not responsible to compensate for any damages caused by the User in connection with the Service, such as suspension, termination, or changes of the Service by the Company, equipment malfunction, or any other damages caused by the User in connection with the Service, unless such damages are caused by the Company's willful misconduct or gross negligence.

Article 15: Disclaimer

1. The Company will not be responsible for any damages caused to the User or third party in connection with the use of this service. However, this does not apply in cases where the Company has acted with intent or gross negligence.

2. The Company will not be responsible for any access delay problems caused by interruptions or failures in computer terminals, communication equipment, communication lines, or other network equipment used for this service.

3. The Company will not be responsible for any damages caused to the User in connection with the interruption or failure of this Service due to any of the following reasons

  • Interruptions and failures caused by problems with equipment and other than those specified in Clause 1 of this article.
  • Interruptions or failures caused by inappropriate use by the User or other reasons attributable to the User.
  • Interruptions or failures caused by the intentional or negligent acts of Shopify Inc. or other third parties.
  • Interruptions and failures due to suspension of Shopify Inc.'s service provision, suspension of cooperation with this service, changes in specifications, etc.
  • Interruptions or failures caused by natural disasters such as fires and earthquakes, infectious diseases, requests for self-restraint by administrative agencies, wars, power outages, labor disputes, etc. that cannot be attributed to the user or our company.
  • When this service brings about changes to websites, etc. used by the User, the Company will take sufficient care to ensure that such changes do not cause problems with the display, browsing, access measurement, etc. of the User's website. However, the Company will not be responsible for any damages caused to the User as a result of this.
  • When starting to use the Service or while using the Service, the User may download or otherwise install a code provided by the Company on the User's website, etc., or use the Service such as setting the code. When carrying out the necessary work, the User shall take sufficient care to prevent the disappearance or alteration of information held by the User or equipment failure or damage. And, the Company will not be responsible for any damages caused to the User as a result of this.

Article 16: Exclusion of anti-social forces

1. The user declares that he/she (including their officers and employees in the case of corporations) does not currently fall under any of the following, and promises that they will not fall under any of the following in the future.

  • Organized crime groups (meaning organized crime groups as defined in Article 2, Item 2 of Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (Act No. 77 of 1991; hereinafter referred to as the "Anti- Organized Crime Law"))
  • Organized crime group members (meaning members of organized crime groups as defined in Article 2, Item 6 of Anti-Organized Crime Law)
  • Associate member of organized crime group
  • Company linked to organized crime group
  • Protection gangs, fraud groups pretending to be social activist movements, fraud groups pretending to be political activists, special intelligence violence groups
  • A person who has a close relationship (including, but not limited to, the provision of funds or other benefits) with a person specified in any of the foregoing items.
  • Other persons similar to the above.

2. The User promises that they or their related parties will not directly or indirectly engage in any of the following acts.

  • Violent acts of demand
  • Unreasonable demands beyond legal responsibility
  • In connection with a transaction, engage in threatening behavior (including, but not limited to, communicating that the person or a person related to him or her is a person specified in the preceding paragraph) or use violence.
  • Spreading rumors, using falsehoods or violence to damage the Company's reputation or disrupt the Company's business.
  • Other acts similar to the above.

3. If the Company finds that the User violates any of the declarations or commitments set forth in the preceding two paragraphs, the Company may take necessary measures such as canceling this Contract without any notice.

4. If the Company takes necessary measures pursuant to the provisions of the previous paragraph, the Company will not be responsible for compensating for any damages, losses, or expenses caused by the User as a result of such measures.

Article 17: Notification or communication

Notification or communication from the Company to users regarding the Service shall be made by posting notices in appropriate places within the Service or by other methods deemed appropriate by the Company. The Company is not responsible for any damages caused by non-delivery or delays in notifications or communications from the Company.

Article 18 :Prohibition on Assignment of Rights and Obligations)

User may not assign their positions under this Contract or their rights or obligations based on this Contract to any third party or offer them as collateral without the prior written consent of the Company.

Article 19: Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

1. These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

2. In the event of any dispute arising in connection with the Service, the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court shall be the court of exclusive jurisdiction, depending on the amount of the claim.


The end.


Established and Effective on July 6, 2023

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Last updated on July 6, 2023