Priority setting
You can change the "priority" with which each rank is evaluated.
Priority refers to the priority with which each rank is evaluated.
For example, when the evaluation execution timing is set in the priority order of "Gold Rank" and "Silver Rank," if the customer meets both rank conditions, the higher priority Gold Rank will be assigned.
How to set priority
To set the priority, follow the steps below.
- Click “Rank Listˮ on the app to display the rank list.
- Click the "Reorder priority" button
- Use the "Up/Down" buttons in the "Sort by priority" modal to rearrange the order.
If the "Up/Down" button is not displayed, try pressing the ellipsis (...). Depending on the width of the screen, it may be stored inside.
- When the sorting is complete, click “Saveˮ.
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Last updated on August 1, 2024