Display membership card only to member of a specific rank

When applied, it is possible to display different card for each membership rank.

You can make more detailed setting regarding the customer whose membership card is displayed. When applied, it is possible to display membership card with different design depending on membership rank.


How to display membership card for specific customer

  1. Select "Customer with a specific membership rank" in "Who to display to" as described in “Adjust the appearance of the membership cardˮ.
  1. Enter the membership rank name that has been set in the item "Membership rank" at the bottom of "Who to display to". If the entered value matches the rank name assigned to the displayed customer ([Rank Title by Ranky] in the metafield), a membership card will be displayed.

Advanced) If you want to change the appearance of card by rank

For example, if you want to display membership card for both Gold rank and Silver rank customers, but want to change the "appearance" of the card, you can do this by setting membership card for each rank type.

Follow the steps below to set up.

(Example) Set membership ranks such as "Gold", "Silver", "Bronzeˮ

  1. Add an app block according to Place membership card on the storefront, select "Customer with a specific membership rank" in “Who to display toˮ, and enter "Gold" for the membership rank. Thereafter, the display will be adjusted to be for Gold rank.
  1. After setting Gold rank, click "Add block" and add "Ranky - Membership card" again. Next in the new block, proceed with the display setting for Silver rank. (Enter "Customer with a specific membership rank" in “Display destinationˮ, and enter "Silver" for the membership rank)
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  1. Bronze rank is also set by adding block in the same way as Silver rank.
  1. Once all settings are complete, you will be able to display membership card by rank.
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Last updated on July 31, 2024